Ways to Make a Home Senior Friendly

The following smart and easy ideas are useful to make your home more comfortable and safe for your golden years, and are also great remodels for current homeowners who have elders living at home:-


Get found – A home address sign should be erected at the front of the house which is visible both day and night in order to make it easy for emergency services to find the home.


Let There Be Light – As we age our eyesight tends to deteriorate, which means that a home with dark shadows and gloomy hallways can become a safety hazard. Low voltage night lights can be erected to illuminate dark hallways, such as from the bedroom to the bathroom.  One can consider motion-activated nightlights that turn on when someone moves.


Getting a Grip – Railings and grab bars along stairs and in bathrooms can make a great difference in the mobility of the elderly.  There are many different types of grab bars, including some high-end products that don’t necessarily look like grab bars.



Keep seniors safe. Photo: http://www.qriquality.com



Easy on the Hands – Hands that have lost their strength because of arthritis and other health issues may not be able to easily turn doorknobs, faucet and shower handle knobs. Depending on the space around the faucet, knobs can be easily replaced with levers.


Getting Around – For someone who will have to move around in a wheelchair or scooter, life around their house can get difficult. Wheelchair access and proper door passage through the home is essential.  While getting around, carpets and tiles which are placed improperly or unevenly, as well as slippery floor materials are a hazard for the elderly.  Making sure that flooring is slip and trip resistant is important for seniors since falls can be greatly debilitating for them


We would love to know, which one of these tips is the easiest to implement at your house?






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Can’t get enough of this treasure in Dominica!

Better and younger looking skin! Relief from athritis! Check out this link to find out these and other benefits of Sulphur Baths: http://http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/sulfur.

Sulphur spa welcomes you in #Dominica.

Sulphur spa welcomes you in #Dominica. Photo: http://www.investdominica.com.


Planning to build your dream home … avoid these costly mistakes!

Planning to build your dream home … avoid these costly mistakes!

Start out with a good set of plans! Photo: http://www.marketwatch.com


Poor financial planning!

The good book says in Luke 14:28 “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”  Unless you will be buying your home out of pocket (in that case, we envy you!),  you are going to need financing, and it’s a good idea to see what you can afford to borrow before you meet with a real estate agent, an architect or contractor.   Check around for the best mortgage rates and terms and find out how much you can afford.   Even more important than what you can afford, is what fits into your budget.  Building your dream home should not plunge you into debt or a straitjacket.   Deciding on the type of construction and style of the home that will fit into your budget may require some research but it will definitely pay off in the long run when you have a dream home that is not a nightmare.


Planting roots in the wrong location!

After you have built your dream home, you will not be able to move it around if the location chosen turns out to be wrong for you.   Building on a busy street, near a 24 hr supermarket, in an area without all utilities can cause problems in the future.  Residential developments often mean that you will have neighbours very close to you.  The route from your home to work may have heavy traffic that you may not be able to live with after a while.  Consider changes that may occur in your environment in the future and how that will affect your quality of life, and value of your property in case you decide to sell your home later on.  For your own enjoyment and for future sales look for property in a location which is convenient while still being relatively peaceful.


Not starting out with a good set of plans!

People think they are saving money by not buying good plans.  First, without plans you cannot get an accurate cost estimate for building a house. You can’t make an accurate materials list so you won’t know what the materials will cost. Without plans, a contractor will not know how difficult the house will be to build so he cannot give you an accurate estimate of the labor. The plumber, the electrician and other subcontractors need to be on the same page so it must be a plan that can be understood by all concerned.  Incomplete or nonexistent plans will inevitably lead to misunderstandings, tearouts, delays, and conflicts which cause greater expense.


Choosing the Wrong Builder!

Shop around for builders, ask for references and check them!  Do not make the mistake of choosing a contractor because he has the lowest price.  Your builder will become your best friend. Talk with several, check out their work to find the right fit. A good contractor will be willing to work with you to stay within your budget by going over the proposal to see where you can cut back. Regardless of your choice, understand that working with a professional with a solid background and years of experience can come at a premium price. But it’s worth the investment.


Building for only your current needs!

Right now it is only you, your spouse and a dog but is it going to remain that way?  If you know that children are in your future, build with them in mind.   It is wise, if you cannot afford to prepare for children immediately that you build to allow for an addition later on. There is nothing worse than building a new house that is already too small the day that you move in.  If you need more square footage than you can afford at the present time, consider lowering the cost of the fixtures such as cabinets, windows, and doors some of which you can always upgrade in the future.  If this is to be your retirement home, what will your needs be then?  Does your home need to have wheelchair access?  Will you always be able to use the stairs?

Run your Air Conditioner efficiently and save!


Save money while still feeling cool. Photo courtesy: http://redcrossdallas.blogspot.com

High temperatures come with a high energy bill as we try to keep cool by putting our AC to work.  Running these units efficiently can actually reduce the bite on the wallet.  Here are a few tips that will save you money.


Keep the heat out

Natural light can help reduce your lighting costs, however when no one is in a room it is best to keep the curtains closed during the day. This is especially true for houses with windows on the eastern and western sides. Keeping the sun’s direct rays from entering the house helps reduce the amount of effort your air conditioner puts forth to keep the house cool. To maximize this, open the curtains in the evening to allow heat to escape through the windows of your house.


Rearrange Your Furniture

Furniture that obstructs air conditioning vents means you could be cooling the back of a chair or the bottom side of your sofa and although it might appreciate the thought, we’re pretty sure you’d rather have that chill instead. Although they make plastic pieces for your vents to help force air in the right direction, the easiest way is to just rearrange things for a while.


Are you cooling an empty house?

Lower your air conditioner’s thermostat setting to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home. But let that number rise to a warmer temperature at night or when you’re away from home. You can save 5 percent to 15 percent on your air-conditioning bills by raising the temperature setting on your thermostat when you’re away and don’t need cooling.  You may even be cooling outside your home.  Check to see if spaces below doors or windows are allowing the cold air to escape, and these should be sealed immediately.


Your AC also needs a check-up

Some basic maintenance might be all your air conditioner needs, but most will greatly benefit from a good hosing out, especially if you’re plagued with pesky trees like Cottonwoods that drop seeds which stick to the filters and make the unit work 15% harder!


Get Rid of Hot Air

Use an exhaust fan when cooking to help expel hot air from the house. If you don’t have an exhaust fan, cool the room by setting up a floor fan in the kitchen while cooking. The fan not only cools the air, but can also help move it out of the kitchen.


Get the AC some help

The energy used by a fan is far less than that of the air conditioner.  In some climates, you can turn the air conditioner off at night and just let ceiling or floor fans provide cool air for your comfort. Using the fans at night may allow you to set the air conditioner above 78 degrees saving a great deal of energy. Fans can also help move cool air around the house to ease the work load of the air conditioner.  Sometimes you are hot from physical activity in which case using a fan is a much cheaper way of cooling you down than engaging the AC unit in an entire room.

Bedroom makeover for your child’s success!

This new school year make some design changes to your child’s bedroom that will complement their enthusiasm and help keep them focused.

Makeover your kid's room.

Dedicate a space for learning.


A dose of colour

The effects of color on learning are well documented.  Studies have shown that light blues and purples have a calming effect on learners and are a good choice for a learning environment.  Warm tones like taupe and peach provide a relaxing atmosphere that allows learners to focus on their studies rather than be distracted by their environment. Avoid bold colors, such as red, since they can provide a huge distraction, especially with younger learners. Black and brown are associated with fear and anxiety in young children and can bring about an undercurrent of anxiety. Yellow is the hardest color for the eye to break down and causes stress when the eye comes across it.

Dedicate a space for learning

Create an efficient work space in your child’s room that is well organized.  It should be a well lit area but facing away from distractions such as a window.  It should be well stocked with books, toys, and games that will promote learning.  A world map, calendar, clock, multiplication tables, class schedule among other helpful tools must be displayed on the wall in or near that area.

Get your child involved

Find out what your child is interested in and decorate his or her room accordingly. For instance, if your child has shown an interest in astronomy, decorate the room with posters of the planets, telescopes, and stars. Get the child fully involved in selecting these items.

Affirmation Signs

Place positive reinforcement signs around the bedroom that can remind your child’s subconscious mind of his or her potential to learn. You and your child can make these signs together.  Make the signs attractive with a lot of colour. Some examples of affirmation signs include:-


Display their accomplishments

Whether it is an A plus paper or artwork, make a point to display your child’s work in their room and throughout the house.  Children need encouragement and support in their achievements.

Surprising uses of Avocado

Avocado is not only satisfying to the palate. Discover some surprising uses of Avocado:

Exfoliating mask
Mix together one avocado, one egg white, two tablespoons of oatmeal, and one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply liberally to face, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this twice a week and you’ll have softer, supple skin.

Use avocado in an exfoliating mask!

Use avocado in an exfoliating mask!

Eye therapy

Yes, avocados can rid you of eye luggage. Simply peel an avocado, remove the pit, and slice one of the halves into quarter-inch crescents. Then lie down and place a few slices under each eye. After about 20 minutes you’ll be able to skip baggage claim!

Hair mask

Our agent swears by this hair mask of avocado and olive oil for super moisturization of all types of hair, including color-treated, dry, and heat-damaged locks. Apply mask to roots and ends, leave in for 30 minutes, and rinse out completely. Your hair is back on track!

Baby food

New baby in your life? Avocado is a great transitional food for babies at least 4 months old. Not only will your baby love the smooth, velvety texture and the mild flavor, but avocados are also loaded with healthy unsaturated fat.

Try some of these beauty tips this weekend and let us know how they worked!

Step in style!

The front entry steps of your home are the first things visitors see, and this will undoubtedly be used by visitors and neighbours to form an impression of the inside of your home.  Creating an attractive, welcoming look for the area is key to your house’s curb appeal. There are a few simple ways you can change the look of your steps and make your home more appealing and welcoming to visitors.


Clean & simple

The quickest, cheapest and simplest way is to keep your front steps clean.  Sweeping, at least 3 times a week, and hosing down at least once a week will prevent build up of dirt that can cause your step to look ugly.  The use of a power-wash is quite effective in getting you step to be spotless. Also, the use of chlorine with a quick scrub can go a long way in ensuring that the entry to your home remains clean longer.  Be sure to also clear away any clutter from the front entry steps.


Be decorative

Add some decorative touches to your front steps by treating them just as you would the stairs in your home.  A decorative doormat with a fun pattern for the top step will instantly give the entryway character and personality. You can also place nonslip mats with a decorative design on each step for added visual interest. Carefully selecting potted plants can help change the look of your front steps as well. If the steps are wide enough, place colorful plants at the ends of each step to create a line that leads to your doorway. You can add larger urns on each side of your door to complete the look. Be sure to keep these plants watered and cleaned to ensure that they remain beautiful.


Add some color

Whether your steps are wooden or concrete, a fresh coat of paint can instantly update a tired, worn entryway. For wooden steps, opt for either a latex- or an oil-based porch and floor paint. With concrete steps, use a latex-based formula for the best results. When it comes to choosing a color, consider your home’s exterior. A neutral shade like white can work with any color exterior and add a bright, fresh look to the front of your home. Cream, beige, tan and gray are other options that work with most exteriors. You can also go for a tone-on-tone look by choosing a lighter version of your home’s exterior color. If you want a little more pizzazz for your entryway, use two colors for your steps – one for the treads (the place you step) and another for the risers (the front height of the step). Pair a neutral with a richer paint shade for an understated but striking look.

Makeover your front step.

Makeover your front step.



Hide the concrete 

Capping concrete steps with elegant stone works will give new life to a concrete step. You can use thin pieces of stone veneer to cover your steps’ tread and risers so that no one knows that there’s concrete underneath. If you are using stone for your front walkway, be sure to match the materials to create a seamless look for your home’s entryway. Some stone veneer uses real stone, but you can also opt for budget-friendly cement-based veneer that offers the look of stone at a lower price. Using tile is also a great option. Tiles provide great design versatility.  Do not go overboard. Always remember that the step has to fit in the existing design of the home and yard.


Add a railing

If your front steps don’t have a railing – or the railing is showing its age – adding one can instantly change their look. You can find many decorative options at your local home improvement store, but it’s important to consider the material that the stairs are made of and your home’s exterior when choosing a railing. With wooden stairs, it’s best to use wooden railing to keep the look consistent. With concrete or stone steps, metals like aluminum or iron are obvious options. When it comes to the style of the railing, you can opt for a simple railing that features clean lines or an ornate design that features scroll work and other decorative features. Take the style of your home into account, though, so you wind up with a cohesive look for your exterior.


If you decide to give your steps a makeover, be sure to share your before and after photos with us!