Who hates a clogged drain?!

Here are some tips to prevent and clear a troublesome case of drain clog:

Get help from a chemical reaction. Photo www.rulesofgreen.com

Get help from a chemical reaction. Photo http://www.rulesofgreen.com

Prevent them

Prevent clogs in the kitchen sink: catch all food from falling down the sink; remove all kitchen waste from sink; do not pour coffee grinds down the sink; and do not pour grease down the sink; for bathroom sink: do not wash hair down the sink.


Guard your drain

Use a screen or drain-grate to cover the drain’s opening and minimize problems with food, hair and soap scum. Most filters and screens can be simply laid in place.

Flush them out

Run hot water through the sink after each use. Hot water keeps oils in food products running down the drain, rather than building up on the interior surface of pipes, which can make drains sluggish and lead to clogs.


Create an easy exit

Use a drain trap under your sink that can be easily unscrewed to release any accumulation of waste into a container.


Get help from a chemical reaction

Use home concoctions of baking soda and vinegar, together with hot water to dislodge accumulated waste in a clogged sink: pour the salt and baking soda into the drain; add the vinegar and let the concoction foam for about a minute then chase with at least 2 quarts of boiling water.