Wellness benefits of having a flower garden.

A well groomed flower garden does more than make a home look attractive! This week we share with you how having a flower garden contributes to your general wellness.

Benefits of planting a flower garden

Simple flower garden.

Concentration and good memory Keeping ornamental plants in the home and in the workplace increases memory retention and concentration. It increases a person’s ability to concentrate on a task at hand. Reduces Stress Gardening provides people with a positive way to channel their stress and frustration into something beautiful that provides them with comfort and joy; also it encourages a higher level of positive energy and helps people feel secure and relaxed. Improves learning abilities Keeping plants in a child’s learning environment improves learning capabilities by helping them to focus and concentrate. This enhances their ability to learn new things and makes it easier for them to absorb and retain information. Medical benefits Cultivating plants is beneficial to humankind because of the much medical benefits of trees and foliage, more over being outside surrounded by plants and ornamental horticulture improves people’s mental health, and gives them a more positive outlook on their lives. Improved Human performance Spending time in nature gives people an increased feeling of vitality, increasing their energy levels and making them feel more animated.

A cup of Joe (coffee) does the body good! This week we share some great benefits of coffee, drank responsibly, of course!

Cup of coffee anyone?

Benefits of drinking coffee

How do you take your coffee? Photo: http://www.baristatraininghub.com

Coffee is a potent source of healthful antioxidants.

Coffee shows more antioxidant activity than green tea and cocoa, two antioxidant superstars. These antioxidants fight inflammation, an underlying cause of many chronic conditions, including arthritis, atherosclerosis and many types of cancer. They also neutralize free radicals, which occur naturally as a part of everyday metabolic functions, but which can cause oxidative stress that leads to chronic disease. In other words, antioxidants help keep us healthy at the micro-level by protecting our cells from damage.
Coffee can improve your memory.

This popular beverage has particular effects on strengthening memory. It makes you resistant to forgetting for at least 24 hours after it is consumed.
Our liver appears to love coffee.

Studies have shown that high coffee consumption is associated with decreased risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, It has also been linked to lower risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. The data has also been consistent that it reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease.


Coffee can enhance physical performance.
Coffee is merged with this chemical called caffeine. Caffeine is an endurance enhancer, not only it fights fatigue, but also strengthens muscle contraction and reduces athlete’s pain.


Coffee decreases risk of Diabetes.
Drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee daily lower the risk of Type II Diabetes because of the combination of chemicals contained in coffee beans that are involved in metabolism that actually help lower blood glucose levels.

Are you a coffee lover? Share your coffee ritual with us!